Complimentary Health Insurance

Are you 100% sure you have the medical cover you need?

30 September, 2024

French Complimentary Health insurance can be complicated to get your head around. In many ways, it’s an absolutely fantastic system and, with the right level of cover, you can have complete peace of mind that you’re covered for more or less every eventuality.

BUT, the question is, are you 100% sure that you have the right level of cover ?

We get contacted frquently by clients who have an exisiting policy with another insurer and yet, they have not fully understood what their cover entails.

It’s so easy (in fact it's logical) to see 100% written on the table of guarantees and conclude that means you are 100% covered but unfortunately that’s not always how it works !

100% BRSS means that the insurance company will top you up so you receive 100% of what the Social Security base their pay-out on. However, sometimes the social security only pay a very small percentage of the overall cost! In the case of services such as dental work & opticians, the Social Security payout is often very little. Therefore the money paid out by the insurer only tops you up to 100% of a very little amount.

Here at First Assurance, we’re happy to talk you through all of the options available to you ensuring that you really do have 100% peace of mind that you’ve got the level of cover you need.

Don’t leave it until it’s too late! Medical bills can be horrendously expensive!

If you have any doubts or questions whatsoever about how medical insurance works in France then please get in touch. Our English speaking staff are on board to help.

Drop us an email or, contact us via the contact button above to find out more.
