

01 June, 2022

We are all very quick to insure things that are precious or valuable to us; our houses, cars, mobile phones, pets, but there is one thing a lot of people forget about, and is irreplaceable; YOU.

What sort of products are on offer? There are various different products that fall under the prevoyance umbrella so we will run you through the main ones.

  • Capital Deces - This is your standard Life Insurance product. If the worst happens and you pass away through accident (or illness depending on the cover you have) then a lump sum of money will be paid out to the person(s) specified on your policy. This amount would also be paid out in the event that there is a total loss of autonomy. Amounts designated to pay out can be as small as €10,000, and monthly payments as low as €2.50 to set this insurance up.
  • Garantie des Accidents de la Vie – Or GAV for short, is an insurance designed to give you cover should you have an accident that leaves you permanently incapacitated. You can chose coverage from 30% incapactitation or from just 1% incapacitation, and also add on other things such as a daily rate paid out on top of what you would receive by the government while you are in hospital. This insurance pays out up to 1 million euros which can be used to adapt your car, house, buy special equipment etc. which can be extremely expensive. It also includes cover for costs incurred if you were to pass away. This policy can be set up for as little as €12 a month.
  • Protection des Accidents de la Vie – or PAV for short, is a lower coverage version of the GAV. It’s coverage starts at 10% invalidity and there are two levels to choose from, giving you up to €400,000 in the case of 10% or more invalidity and €80, 000 to go to your loved ones if you passed away. Premiums start from as little as €7 a month.
  • Assurance Revenues – this is designed to give you a top up on what you would receive through the French system if you were unable to work. There are two options, a global coverage which kicks in if you are signed off work for illness, or because of an accident, or pass away, or purely a cover that kicks in if you are unable to work due to an accident. You can choose the amount you want to top up by and your beneficiaries and this will determine the premium.

We currently have an offer on a range of prevoyance products, giving you 20% off your first years premium, so please get in touch if you want to discuss an option or get a quote. (offer running up until 9th July 2022).